Facts about Tigers

Facts About

Description of Tigers
The Tiger is described as a large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera tigris) of the feline, Felidae family. Tigers normally have a tawny orange coat with transverse black stripes although some white Tigers exist.

Understanding Scientific names of animals
The scientists who study animals (zoology) are called zoologists. Each animal that is studied is classified, that is, split into descriptive groups starting with main groups (vertebrates and invertebrates) the Families of animals are also included such as Felidae  (the family of cats) and the families are then split into species such as Panthera (the four big cats that can roar including Tigers).

Species of Tigers
There are five different species of Tigers - White Tigers are not a separate species:

  • Siberian Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica)
  • Indochinese Tigers (Panthera tigris corbetti)
  • South China Tigers (Panthera tigris amoyensis)
  • Bengal Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris)
  • Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

Facts about where Tigers live and what they eat!

Tigers are native to Asia
The common habitat of
Tigers are deciduous and tropical rainforests. Grassy or swamp areas
The diet of Tigers consist of small and large game including wild deer, cattle and pigs

Basic Facts about Tigers
The name of a male is referred to simply as a tiger
The name of a female is referred to as a she-tiger
The name or offspring, or a baby Tiger, is a cub
The average size of a litter is two
The sound made by a Tiger is referred to as a growl

Facts about the Size of Siberian Tigers( the biggest)
Fully grown Tigers can reach a length of up to 13 feet
Adult male Tigers can weigh up to 700 lb

Cool and Fun Facts about the life, behavior and personality of Tigers

  • Tigers are solitary animals
  • Tigers are territorial animals
  •  It is estimated the world population of tigers has fallen to less than 8,000
  • A Liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger, this only happens in captivity as Tigers do not occupy the same territories in the wild as Lions.

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