Facts about Chopin

Frédéric François Chopin

Facts About

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Chopin
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Chopin, trivia and information, including some useful details of facts about the life events of this famous composer will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about this famous classical composer and musician are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Accomplishments and reasons Chopin is famous: Classical Composer and musician - he was one of the leading Romantic Period Composers

  • Fact 2 - Frederic Francois Chopin was born in Poland on March 1, 1809
  • Fact 3 - Frederic Chopin spent most of his life in the two cities of Warsaw and Paris
  • Fact 4 - His father was French and his mother was Polish
  • Fact 5 - At the age of 9 Frederic Chopin made his first public appearance as a pianist
  • Fact 6 - Many distinguished people welcomed him to Paris - among them were Liszt, Berlioz, Meyerbeer, Heine
  • Fact 7 - His first weeks in Paris were discouraging; his first concert was poorly attended
  • Fact 8 - This prompted Chopin to return to Poland
  • Fact 9 - His friends urged him to remain in Paris where he eventually became a success
  • Fact 10 - Frederic Chopin was described as one who spoke little, especially among strangers
  • Fact 11 - Some of the music forms which he wrote are the nocturne, waltz, mazurka, impromptu, concerto, polonaise and etude
  • Fact 12 - Schumann was one of the first to declare Chopin a genius
  • Fact 13 - In his last years he suffered from ill-health
  • Fact 14 - Like other composers and musicians such as Beethoven, Stevenson and Grieg, he kept on with his work, in spite of his illness
  • Fact 15 - Frederic Chopin visited England and Scotland only once
  • Fact 16 - Chopin was very fond of Bach and urged his pupils to practice Bach pieces every day for the mental drill as well as the drill for the fingers
  • Fact 17 - Frederic Chopin died on 17 October 1849 in Paris

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