Renaissance Composers

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Renaissance Composers
If you are searching for interesting and concise facts about the names of Renaissance Composers then search no more! What was the Renaissance period? Definition: The Renaissance was a European cultural movement following the Middle Ages encompassing the concepts of rebirth meaning the revival of learning and culture.

The Renaissance spanned 1400–1600. Music was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life in the Renaissance. Renaissance composers developed new musical genres using new musical instruments.

They made good use of printed music - previously music had to be copied by hand or learned by ear. Renaissance Instruments included the the viol, lute, recorder, harpsichord, spinet and virginals. Who were the composers of the Renaissance period? Click a link for interesting and fast  facts and information about the greatest top classical Renaissance musicians.

Renaissance Composers

William Byrd

John Dowland

Orlando Gibbons

Thomas Tallis

Jacob Arcadelt
Josquin Desprez
Guillaume Dufay
John Farmer
Giovanni Gabrielli
Carlo Gesualdo
Clement Janequin
Orlando Lassus
Luca Marenzio
Claudio Monteverdi
Johannes Ockeghem
Jacob Obrecht
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Claudin de Sermisy
Tomas Luis de Victoria
Adrian Willaert

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