Facts about Fish

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Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Fish
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Fish, trivia and information, including some useful statistics will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about Fish are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - There are over 25,000 different fish species in the world
  • Fact 2 - A person who studies fish species is called an ichthyologist
  • Fact 3 - The males and females have different colors or different shaped bodies

  • Fact 4 - All fish species are vertebrates (have a backbone)
  • Fact 5 - Most breathe through gills and have fins and scales
  • Fact 6 - Many have a variety of protrusions or spines on the head
  • Fact 7 - Fish secrete a type of mucus, or slime, from their skin which provides protection against parasites and infections and helps them to move through the water faster
  • Fact 8 - A fin is an external appendage or "limb" of a fish
  • Fact 9 - Fins are used for directing, stabilizing, or propelling the fish in water
  • Fact 10 - Numbers of fins vary between species, but there are usually seven. Each of the fins are designed to perform a specific function
    • The dorsal fin is located on the backs of fishes and lend stability in swimming
    • The ventral fin is located on the pelvic area of fishes and lend stability in swimming
    • The Caudal fin is located on the tail area and designed to propel fish through the water
    • The Anal fin is located on the anus area of fishes and lend stability in swimming
    • Pectoral fins are located on the breast area of fishes and are for locomotion and side to side movement
    • The Adipose fin is an extra fleshy fin on the back behind the dorsal as in salmons, smelts, and lanterns to lend stability in swimming
    • The cephalic fin are the "horns" of manta rays and their close relatives
  • Fact 11 - Gills enable most fish species to breathe
  • Fact 12 - Gills consist of thin sheets of tissue containing blood vessels. As water passes over the gills oxygen is absorbed into the blood stream Carbon dioxide passes out into the water.
  • Fact 13 - The gills are protected by a large bony plate called an operculum
  • Fact 14 - Some fish have lungs and breathe air
  • Fact 15 - Types include Tropical, Saltwater, Aquarium , Marine , Pet and Pond fish
  • Fact 16 - Species include Clown, Koi, Beta , Goldfish, Star, Angel, Puffer, Discus, Piranha, Rainbow, and Parrot

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