Facts about Herons

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Did you Know? List of Facts about Herons
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Herons, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about animals will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about Herons are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Definition: Herons are gray or white wading bird with long neck which can move into and S-shape, long legs and long harpoon-like sharp bill. They appear on all continents except Antarctica

  • Fact 2 - Herons have soft feathers and this plumage can be colored blue, black, brown, gray or white
  • Fact 3 - The feet of herons have long thin toes, with three forward pointing ones and one going backward
  • Fact 4 - There are 64 species of herons
  • Fact 5 - Some species of herons are also known as egrets and bitterns
  • Fact 6 - Herons are often confused with storks and Cranes
  • Fact 7 - The Black Heron also known as the Black Egret, is an African heron
  • Fact 8 - Black Herons stats and facts
    • Weight: 300gms
    • Wingspan : 90-95 cm
    • Height: 42.5–66 cm
    • Habitat: lakes, rivers, swamps and the sea
    • Diet: Herons are carnivores eating mainly fish, small reptiles, frogs, crabs and insects
  • Fact 9 - The common European heron (Ardea cinerea) is remarkable for its directly ascending flight, and was formerly hunted with the larger falcons
  • Fact 10 - The Great Blue heron is the largest heron and can measure nearly a meter in height
  • Fact 11 - The smallest heron in the world is the Green heron which measures less than 50 cm
  • Fact 12 - The long pointed beaks of herons help them to grab fish out of the water
  • Fact 13 - Herons have enormous wings measuring nearly double the size of its body
  • Fact 14 - Predators of herons include Foxes, Raccoon and Weasels
  • Fact 15 - Herons build their nests in tall trees for safety
  • Fact 16 - The collective name for a group is a siege or a sedge
  • Fact 18 - The names given to babies are chicks

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