Facts about Polecats

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Did you Know? List of Facts about Polecats aka Polecat
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Polecats, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about animals will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about Polecats are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Definition: Polecats are native to Europe and a member of the Mustelidae family. The Polecat is well known for its ability to secret a liquid with a foul smell. It is similar to a weasel with mainly dark brown fur and a darker mask across the eyes, a cylindrical body with short legs & tail. Polecats are noted for ejecting a fetid fluid when threatened

  • Fact 2 - The name polecat derives from the French 'poule chat', meaning 'the chicken cat' as it will kill chickens
  • Fact 3 - Skunks are also known as American Polecats
  • Fact 4 - There are 10 different species of Polecats
  • Fact 5 - The color of the coat of a Polecat is mainly dark brown
  • Fact 6 - Baby Polecats are born blind
  • Fact 7 - They are solitary, nocturnal animals
  • Fact 8 - Polecats stats and facts
    • Weight:  1.5 kg (Male - females are about half the size of males)
    • Height: 40 - 50 cm
    • Habitat: open, scrub, wooded areas
    • Lifespan: 5 years
    • Diet: Polecats are omnivores eating mainly small animals and rodents
  • Fact 9 - Polecats are related to ferrets, weasels, Otters and badgers
  • Fact 10 - They have terrible eyesight but excellent hearing
  • Fact 11 - Polecats can lock their jaws together so tightly it can be practically impossible to prise them apart
  • Fact 12 - They shelter in burrows
  • Fact 13 - Ferrets are the domesticated descendants of the polecat
  • Fact 14 - There a plenty of polecats and in terms of endangered species, they have been specified as LC (Least Concern)
  • Fact 15 - The collective name for a group of Polecats is a Chine
  • Fact 16 - Male Polecats are called Hobs
  • Fact 17 - Female Polecats are called Jills
  • Fact 18 - The names given to babies are kits
  • Fact 19 - The European Polecat is also called a 'fitch'

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