Facts about the Sea Urchin

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Did you Know? List of Facts about the Sea Urchin
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about the Sea Urchin, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about animals will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about the Sea Urchin are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Definition: Sea urchins are small, spiny, globular animals that inhabit all oceans. Their shells are round and spiny. The common colors of the urchin include black and dull shades of green, olive, brown, purple and red

  • Fact 2 - Sea urchins are characterized by a globoid shape without arms or projecting rays
  • Fact 3 - There are over 200 types of sea urchins
  • Fact 4 - Sea Urchins do not have arms, claws, fins or eyes
  • Fact 5 - The colors of Sea urchins include black and dull shades of green, olive, brown, purple, and red
  • Fact 6 - Their shell is called a "test"
  • Fact 7 - The long and sharp spines protect the sea urchin from predators
  • Fact 8 - the Sea Urchin stats and facts
    • Length: 4-5 ins
    • Habitat: Oceans
    • Predators: Humans, Sea otters, Starfish
    • Diet: Sea Urchin are omnivores eating tiny fish, kelp, seaweed and plankton
  • Fact 9 - Sea urchins can move freely over hard surfaces using adhesive tube feet, which work in conjunction with the spines
  • Fact 10 - Sea Urchins are classed as Echinoderms: An echinoderm is a spiny-skinned marine animal that usually have a symmetry of five including starfish,  sea-cucumbers and feather stars
  • Fact 11 - They use the spines on their underside to move around
  • Fact 12 - A complicated jaw and tooth apparatus in the mouth, known as Aristotle's lantern, is used to fragment food
  • Fact 13 - Their eggs and sperm are shed into the sea
  • Fact 14 - The flower urchin have venom-tipped spines
  • Fact 15 - Sea urchins are believed to be powerful aphrodisiacs
  • Fact 16 - The tube feet of Sea Urchins are hollow, muscular projections ending in suckers
  • Fact 17 - Sea urchins carve out holes in rocks to live in

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