German History Timeline & Facts

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The Celts and Ancient History
Bronze and Iron Age - The ancient culture of the Celts had settled in many European countries including Austria, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Western Germany, Northern Spain, Turkey and Hungary.

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Celts History Timeline & Facts

Concise German Facts, History & Timeline
As a Nation State, the united country of Germany did not exist until 1871 and prior to this was made up of individual territories
800 - 900's - The reign of Charlemagne and his descendents

870 - Formation of the duchies of Franconia, Saxony, Bavaria and Lorraine
919 - 1024 The Saxon dynasty rule Germany
1024-1255 - The Salian dynasty
1096 - The first Crusade
1138 -1254 - The Hohenstaufen dynasty
1273 - Rudolf of Hapsburg crowned king of Germany
1348-1352 - The Plague ("black death")
1499 - Switzerland broke away from the empire
1517 - Luther initiated the Reformation
1546-1547 - Emperor Charles V defeats the Protestant princes and allies
1555 - The Peace of Augsburg (the princes henceforth determine the religion of their territories)
1618 - 1648 The Thirty Years War ending with the Peace of Westphalia
1701 - Frederick crowned the first king of Prussia
1740 - 1748 The War of Austrian Succession
1806 - The Confederation of the Rhine was established by Napoleon
1806 - Prussia declared war on France and was defeated by Napoleon
1813 - The Prussians helped defeat Napoleon at Leipzig
1814-1815 - The Congress of Vienna established the German Confederation of 39 independent German states
1815 - Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo
1862 - Otto von Bismarck was appointed the prime minister of Prussia
1870 - Franco-Prussian War
1871 January - Germany captures Paris
1871 18 January - Wilhelm I was crowned the first Kaiser of the German Empire uniting the German states into one country
1914 28 June - Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina provoking WW1
August 1914 - Germany declared war on Russia and France. The United Kingdom declared war on Germany
9 November 1918 Germany was declared a republic
11 November 1918 - The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I and the Rhineland was placed under Allied occupation for 15 years
19 January 1919 - A national assembly meets in Weimar to write a new German The Constitution - called the Weimar Republic
1923 - The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) attempt an unsuccessful armed rebellion led by Adolf Hitler
1933 - Hindenburg appointed Hitler as the chancellor and Nazi Germany begin persecuting Jews
1934 - Hitler declares himself der Fuhrer his Nazi German government is called the Third Reich
10 April 1938 - Germany annexes Austria
16 March 1939 - Germany occupies Czechoslovakia
1 September 1939 - Germany invades Poland which starts World War II
1940 - Germany captures Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Luxembourg. The Allies including Russia, UK and USA retaliate
30 April 1945 Hitler commits suicide
August 1945 The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
7 May 1945 - Germany surrenders
June 1945 - Germany divided into four zones of military occupation (United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union)
May 1949 - The Allies approve a constitution for western Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and East Germany adopts a Communist-prepared constitution
October 1949 - The German Democratic Republic was formed (East Germany)
5 May 1955 - West Germany obtains independence
August 1961 - The Berlin Wall was built
9 November 1989 - The Berlin Wall was demolished and Communist East Germans were able to travel to the West
3 October 1990 - East and West Germany was reunited.

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Celts History Timeline & Facts

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