Portugal History Timeline & Facts

Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama

Concise History of Portugal
10,000BC Upper Paleolithic (the Old Stone Age) period.
5000 - 3000BC Neolithic (New Stone Age) period.
3000BC - 1000BC Bronze Age period.
1104BC Portugal was ruled by the Phoenicians.
258BC The Carthaginians conquered Portugal.
15 BC The Romans had begun to extend their empire into Portugal.
416AD - Portugal was ruled by the Visigoths .
711AD - Portugal was ruled by the Arabs (Moors).
739AD - Portugal was ruled by the Leonese.
905 Navarre becomes a kingdom.

1035 King Sancho III of Navarre, Aragon and Castile dies and his lands become separate Kingdoms.
1095 The time of the Crusades. The Crusaders assist the Portuguese in defeating the Moors.
1112 Afonso inherits the County of Portugal, a province of Castile.
1139 - 1580 - The Burgundy Dynasty.
1272 Afonso III conquers Faro from the Moors removing all Muslim communities from the country.
1297 King Dinis signs a treaty with Ferdinand IV of Castile to define the borders between Portugal and Spain.
1394 Henry the Navigator is born
1415 Portugal conquers the city of Ceuta in northern Africa - the exploration of Africa begins
1419 Madeira Islands are discovered
1427 Diogo Silves discovers the Azores Islands
1469 - Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal
1497 July 8 - Vasco da Gama set out on expedidition to India via Africa stopping at Mombasa, Mozambique, Malindi, Kenya, and Quilmana trading centres
1498 May 20 - Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut, India
1524 December 24 - Vasco da Gama died
1491 Bartolomeu Dias becomes the first European captain to cross the Cape of Good Hope
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India navigating around Africa
1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral discovers Brazil
1549 Saint Francis Xavier, a Portuguese missionary, arrived in Japan. The Portuguese were the most successful Europeans in initiating major trade agreements with the Japanese
1580 - 1640 The Habsburg Dynasty (Spanish rule)
1580 Philip II of Spain becomes Philip I of Portugal and independence is lost to Spain
1640, December 1 The Duke of Braganza becomes king ending Spanish control
1807 Napoleon Bonaparte invades Portugal
1807 Portugal adopts the name of the Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve
1822 - Brazil declares independence
1910 Portuguese Revolution ends the monarchy
1914 - 1918 World War I
1926, May 28 A Military coup brings fascist leaders to Portuguese government
1939 - 1945 World War II
August 1945 The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1974, April 25 The Carnation Revolution ends the fascist regime

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