Facts about Carbon

Facts About

The Element Carbon is defined as...
A naturally abundant non-metallic element that occurs in many inorganic and in all organic compounds, exists freely as graphite and diamond and as a constituent of coal, limestone, and petroleum, and is capable of chemical self-bonding to form an enormous number of chemically, biologically, and commercially important molecules.

One of the hardest (diamond) substances known to man. The most common uses of Carbon are in Fossil fuels - methane gas, Diamonds, Crude oil (petroleum), Radiocarbon dating, Smoke detectors, Graphite carbon used as charcoal for cooking & artwork, Gasoline, Kerosene, Carbon monoxide - dioxide and Carbon Fiber. A Carbon Reaction involves a process in which Carbon is mixed with another substance which react to form something else.

What are the origins of the word Carbon ?
The name originates from the Latin word carbo meaning "charcoal"

Facts about the Classification of the Element Carbon
Carbon is classified as an element in the 'Non-metals' section which can be located in groups 14,15 and 16 of the Periodic Table. Non-metals are not easily able to conduct electricity or heat and do not reflect light . Non-metallic elements are very brittle, and cannot be rolled into wires or pounded into sheets. Non-metallic elements exist, at room temperature, in two of the three states of matter : gases (such as oxygen) and solids (such as carbon).

Brief Facts about the Discovery and History of the Element Carbon
Carbon was discovered and used in Ancient times.

Occurrence of the element Carbon
Carbon compounds form the basis of all life on Earth
Exists freely as graphite and diamond
Obtained from burning with insufficient oxygen
A constituent of coal, limestone, and petroleum

Common Uses of Carbon
Fossil fuels - methane gas
Crude oil (petroleum)
Radiocarbon dating
Smoke detectors
Graphite carbon used as charcoal for cooking & artwork
Carbon monoxide - dioxide
Carbon Fiber

The Properties of the Element Carbon

Name of Element : Carbon
Symbol of Element : C
Atomic Number of Carbon : 6
Atomic Mass: 12.0107 amu
Melting Point: 3500.0 °C - 3773.15 °K
Boiling Point: 4827.0 °C - 5100.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Carbon : 6
Number of Neutrons in Carbon : 6
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Density @ 293 K: 2.62 g/cm3
Color of Carbon : blackish

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