Facts about Nickel

Facts About

The Element Nickel is defined as...
A silvery, hard, ductile, ferromagnetic metallic element used in alloys, in corrosion-resistant surfaces and batteries, and for electroplating.

What are the origins of the word Nickel ?
Name Originates from the German word 'kupfernickel' meaning false copper from the deceptive copper color of the ore.

Facts about the Classification of the Element Nickel
Nickel is classified as a "Transition Metal" which are located in Groups 3 - 12 of the Periodic Table.

An Element classified as a Transition Metals is ductile, malleable, and able to conduct electricity and heat.

Brief Facts about the Discovery and History of the Element Nickel
The use of nickel dates back as far as 3500 BC. Nickel was discovered by Baron Axel Frederik Cronstedt in 1751. The first nickel coin of the pure metal was made in 1881

Occurrence of the element Nickel
Obtained from pentlandite

Common Uses of Nickel
Coinage in the United States and Canada
Stainless steel
Corrosion-resistant alloys
Nickel plating
Burglar-proof vaults
Nickel-cadmium batteries

The Properties of the Element Nickel
Name of Element : Nickel
Symbol of Element : Ni
Atomic Number of Nickel : 28
Atomic Mass: 58.6934 amu
Melting Point: 1453.0 °C - 1726.15 °K
Boiling Point: 2732.0 °C - 3005.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Nickel : 28
Number of Neutrons in Nickel : 31
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 8.902 g/cm3
Color of Nickel : silvery

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