Facts about Radon

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Facts about the Definition of the Element Radon

The Element Radon is defined as...
A colorless, radioactive, inert gaseous element formed by the radioactive decay of radium. It is used as a radiation source in radiotherapy and to produce neutrons for research.

Interesting Facts about the Origin and Meaning of the element name Radon

What are the origins of the word Radon ?
The name originates from the Latin word 'nitens' meaning shining.

Facts about the Classification of the Element Radon
Radon is classified as an element in the 'Noble Gases' section which can be located in group 18 of the Periodic Table.

Brief Facts about the Discovery and History of the Element Radon
Radon was discovered by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. William Ramsay and Robert Whytlaw-Gray isolated it and gave it the name 'Niton' in 1908. It has been called Radon since 1923.

Occurrence of the element Radon in the Atmosphere
One molecule of radon in 1 x 1021 molecules of air
Found in some spring waters and hot springs
Obtained from decay of radium

Common Uses of Radon
Treatment of cancer - radiotherapy
Produce neutrons for research

The Properties of the Element Radon
Name of Element : Radon
Symbol of Element : Rn
Atomic Number of Radon : 86
Atomic Mass: (222.0) amu
Melting Point: -71.0 °C - 202.15 °K
Boiling Point: -61.8 °C - 211.35 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Radon : 86
Number of Neutrons in Radon : 136
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 9.73 g/cm3
Color of Radon : colorless

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