Facts about Silver

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Facts about the Definition of the Element Silver

The Element Silver is defined as...
A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both uncombined and in ores such as argentite, having the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals.

It is highly valued for jewelry, tableware, and other ornamental use and is widely used in coinage, photography, dental and soldering alloys, electrical contacts, and printed circuits.

Interesting Facts about the Origin and Meaning of the element name Silver

What are the origins of the word Silver ?
The name originates from the Old English Anglo-Saxon word 'seolfor' meaning silver. The Symbol Origin is from the Latin word 'argentum' meaning silver. Argentina was named for this precious metal.

Facts about the Classification of the Element Silver
Silver is classified as a "Transition Metal" which are located in Groups 3 - 12 of the Periodic Table. An Element classified as a Transition Metals is ductile, malleable, and able to conduct electricity and heat.

Brief Facts about the Discovery and History of the Element Silver
Silver was discovered was discovered in Ancient times and used by the ancient South Americans, Asians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese. It is mentioned in the Bible

Occurrence of the element Silver
Silver ore is found in native form. The other principal sources of silver are copper, copper-nickel, gold, lead and lead-zinc ores. Found in Canada, Mexico, Peru, Australia and the USA.

Common Uses of Silver
Precious metal
Dental alloys
Silver fulminate is an explosive

The Properties of the Element Silver
Name of Element : Silver
Symbol of Element : Ag
Atomic Number of Silver : 47
Atomic Mass: 107.8682 amu
Melting Point: 961.93 °C - 1235.08 °K
Boiling Point: 2212.0 °C - 2485.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Silver : 47
Number of Neutrons in Silver : 61
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 10.5 g/cm3
Color of Silver : lustrous white - silver

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