Facts about Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge

Concise Biography, History & Facts About President Calvin Coolidge
Thirtieth President - Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge Lifespan: 1872 - 1933
Place of Birth - on July 4, 1872 in Plymouth Notch, Vermont
Education - Amherst College (graduated 1895) 
Calvin Coolidge Term as President - 1923 - 1929
Political Party - Republican
Vice President / Vice Presidents - Charles Gates Dawes
Religion - Congregationalist
Calvin Coolidge, Military Experience - none
Name of Wife - Calvin Coolidge was married to Grace Anna Goodhue on October 4, 1905. They had 2 Children - John (1906–2000), Calvin (1908–1924)

Career of Calvin Coolidge - Lawyer, Politician, Statesman
Northampton, MA City Councilman, 1899
City Solicitor, 1900-01
Clerk of Courts, 1904
Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1907-08
Mayor of Northampton, MA, 1910-11
Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1912-15
Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts, 1916-18
Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20
Vice President, 1921-23 (under Harding)
Place of Death - Calvin Coolidge died at The Beeches, in Northampton, on January 5, 1933 of heart failure
Calvin Coolidge was buried - Plymouth Notch, Vermont
Next President:
President Herbert Hoover

Major Events during his presidency

  • Immigration Act of 1924

  • Revenue Acts of 1924 and 1926
  • Charles Lindbergh make his historic transatlantic flight (1927)
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) renouncing war as a solution to resolving international differences

Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was President Calvin Coolidge

  • Description of President Calvin Coolidge - Height 5 feet 10 inches

  • Calvin Coolidge was known to be frugal and stoic. A man of simple tastes
  • Calvin Coolidge Nickname - “Silent Cal”
  • Calvin Coolidge Age at Inauguration - 51 years old
  • Calvin Coolidge used the media to his advantage and was referred to as "the most photographed persons on earth."
  • Coolidge secured reductions in taxes for wealthy Americans referred to as the "Coolidge Prosperity"
  • His wife, Grace Coolidge, was a close friend of Helen Keller, who was both deaf and blind
  • Calvin Coolidge Age at Death - 60 years old
  • Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was Calvin Coolidge

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