Facts about Chester A. Arthur

Chester Arthur

Chester Arthur

Concise Biography, History & Facts About Chester A. Arthur
Twenty-FirstPresident - Chester Alan Arthur
Chester A. Arthur Lifespan: 1829 - 1886
Place of Birth - October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont
Education - Union College (graduated 1848)
Term as President - 1881-1885 
Political Party - Republican
Vice President / Vice Presidents - None
Chester A. Arthur Religion - Episcopalian
Chester A. Arthur, Military Experience - served in the Civil War
Name of Wife - Chester A. Arthur was married to Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur on October 25, 1859. They had 3 Children: William Lewis Herndon (1860–1863), Chester Alan (1864–1937), Ellen Herndon (1871–1915). His wife, Ellen Herndon, died before he took office. 

Career of Chester Alan Arthur - Lawyer, Politician, Statesman - Vice president, 1881 (under Garfield)
Place of Death - Chester Alan Arthur died on
November 18, 1886 in New York
Chester A. Arthur was buried in Albany, New York
Next President: President Grover Cleveland

Major Events during his presidency

  • Arthur supported the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

  • Pendleton Act (1883) for Civil Service reform
  • Chester A. Arthur was a reformer and worked hard for the reunification of the nation after the Civil War and Reconstruction

Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was President Chester Alan Arthur

  • Description of President Chester Alan Arthur - Height 6 feet 2 inches

  • Chester A. Arthurwas the son of an abolitionist preacher
  • Nickname - "The Gentleman Boss"
  • Chester A. Arthur was never elected to the presidency but succeeded to office after the assassination of James Garfield
  • Scandal: Chester A. Arthurwas implicated in a 'kickback' scandal working for for Roscoe Conkling, a New York Republican Party boss and U.S. senator
  • Chester A. Arthur Age at Inauguration - 50 years old
  • Chester A. Arthur hired the most famous designer in New York, Louis Comfort Tiffany, to transform the White House into a showplace befitting the office of the American Presidents
  • Chester A. Arthur Age at Death - 56 years old
  • Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was Chester A. Arthur

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