Facts about Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

Concise Biography, History & Facts About President Richard Nixon
Thirty-Seventh President - Richard Milhous Nixon
Richard Nixon Lifespan - 1913 - 1994
Place of Birth - January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California
Richard Nixon Education - Whittier College (1934); Duke University Law School (1937) 
Term as President - 1969-1974 
Political Party - Republican
Vice President / Vice Presidents - Spiro Agnew and Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon Religion - Quaker

Name of Wife - Richard Nixon was married to Thelma “Patricia” Catherine Ryan in 1940. They had 2 children - Patricia and Julie
Career of Richard Nixon - Lawyer, Politician, Statesman
Attorney for U.S. Office of Emergency Management, 1942
Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1947-51
United States Senator, 1951-53
Vice President, 1953-61 (under Eisenhower)
Place of Death - Richard Nixon died
of a massive stroke on April 22, 1994 in New York
Richard Nixon was buried in Yorba Linda, California
Next President: President Gerald Ford

Major Events during his presidency

  • 1969 - Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon

  • 1970 - Environmental Protection Agency created
  • 1971 - Twenty-Sixth Amendment ratified giving 18-year-olds the right to vote
  • 1972 - SALT Agreement
  • 1972 - Nixon visits China
  • Vietnam War ends with US pulling out in 1973
  • Watergate Scandal breaks in 1973

The Watergate Scandal

  • The cover-up and Watergate story ultimately led President Nixon to resign in August 1974

  • The Watergate office break-in was in June 1972
  • Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Washington Post reporters, unravelled the scandal
  • A main source for the reporters had the nickname Deep Throat
  • A $25,000 check apparently meant for the Richard Nixon campaign ended up in the bank account of a Watergate burglar
  • Two Nixon aides (Gordon Liddy and James McCord) are convicted for the Watergate burglary in January 1973
  • Key White House staff resign over the Watergate scandal
  • On November 17, 1973 Richard Nixon declared his innocence saying "I am not a crook."
  • Richard Nixon announced his resignation on August 8, 1974
  • President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, believing the nation did not need to endure a long and messy trial

Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was President Richard Nixon

  • Description of President Richard Nixon - Height 6 feet 1.5 inches

  • During his education Richard Nixon received excellent grades
  • Richard Nixon has been described as calm, unscrupulous and his method of attacking opponents was highly effective
  • Richard Nixon Age at Inauguration - 56 years old
  • In the first televised debate between Richard Nixon and JFK the contrast between the pale, sweaty Richard Nixon and the bronze, poised Kennedy captured the importance of the media of television to the success of a candidate
  • First US President to resign in 1974
  • Richard Nixon Nickname - Tricky Dicky
  • Richard Nixon Age at Death - 81 years old
  • Presidential Facts and Trivia in response to the question who was Richard Nixon

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