Facts about the Baboon

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Did you Know? List of Facts about the Baboon
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about the Baboon, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about animals will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.

Interesting Facts about the Baboon are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Definition: The Baboon is also known as the dog-faced ape having dog-like muzzles and large canine teeth, cheek pouches, a short tail and naked toughened area of skin on the buttocks. Large terrestrial monkeys mostly native to Africa

  • Fact 2 - The baboon spends most of its time on the ground as it does not have tails that grip to help them with climbing
  • Fact 3 - There are 5 species of baboon
  • Fact 4 - Noises made by baboons include grunts, barks and screams
  • Fact 5 - The main predators of baboons are the large cats including





  • Fact 6 - Baboons are a ground dwelling animal
  • Fact 7 - Most baboons live in hierarchical troops
  • Fact 8 - Guinea Baboons stats and facts
    • Weight: 14 kg to 40 kg
    • Length: 50 cm to 120 cm (20 inches to 47 inches)
    • Habitat: Forests, savannas or steppes and arid areas
    • Lifespan Yellow baboons: 20 to 30 years
    • Lifespan Guinea baboons: 35 to 45 years
    • Diet: the Baboon eat almost anything including small animals and plants
  • Fact 9 - The female baboon is almost ½ the size of the male
  • Fact 10 - The Chacma Baboon (Cape Baboon) is the largest and grows to 120 cm (47 inches) and weigh 40 kg (90 lb)
  • Fact 11 - The female baboon initiates mating by presenting her swollen rump to the male
  • Fact 12 - The Olive Baboon is the most widely spread of all baboons and can be found in 25 countries
  • Fact 13 - The Yellow Baboon is so-called due to its yellowish-brown hair
  • Fact 14 - The Hamadryas Baboon is native to the Horn of Africa. It is often referred to as the'Sacred Baboon' as it seen as a god by the Ancient Egyptians
  • Fact 15 - The collective name for a group is a troup, congress, cartload or flange
  • Fact 16 - Males are called Male
  • Fact 17 - Females are called Female
  • Fact 18 - The names given to babies are Infants

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